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Baylor University's Robbins College of Health and Human Science online speech pathology program.
and Excerpts From


Musical Theater

For singers and actors, whether professional or amateur, proper vocal training can make all the difference to outstanding performances. Familiarize yourself with all that proper vocal training entails, from warm-up exercises to physiology, from finding a coach to tuning your "instrument".

Warm Up

A "warm-up" is just as important for singers as it is for athletes. You wouldn't run a marathon without getting your muscles loosened up and the blood pumping. In the same sense, your physiological vocal apparatus needs to go through some preparatory exercises before you get into your usual practice routine.


Ask five singers for their top tip, and you're likely to get five different answers. However, a few tips do regularly appear on "top ten"-style lists. For example, most serious singers avoid shouting, whispering or otherwise straining their voices.

  • Tips to Prevent Voice Problems - These tips from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders offers tips for the general public on healthy use of the voice, for daily life and when performing.

Vocal Health

Vocal HealthVocal health may include many components. For optimal health, you should practice good vocal hygiene, avoid strain or "vocal overuse" and follow some simple practices, like staying hydrated.

  • Vocal Health Articles - The Boston Singers' Resource provides a compendium of in-depth articles on vocal health for singers.
  • How to Prevent and Repair Vocal Damage a guide to individuals who may be at risk for vocal damage. This resource outlines the risks of vocal misuse or overuse, ways to practice better vocal hygiene, and how voice therapy can help. Published by the online speech pathology program from Baylor University's Robbins College of Health and Human Science.

Voice Training

Vocal HealthVoice training may be appropriate for singers, whether for professional preparation or simply for fun. Finding a good vocal coach comes down to both the teacher's expertise and your own preferences for particular vocal training methods.

Other Resources

Vocal HealthWhile there's no substitute for vocal training in person, you can also deeply improve your singing and speaking abilities through online resources. Many professional organizations, schools and non-profits offer in-depth materials to the public, free of charge.

  • 10 Resources for Teaching Music - This article offers useful tips for singing students as well as teachers.
  • Sing London - This non-profit organization organizes large-scale, interactive sing-alongs in public places.
  • Vocal Coaching Articles - These "Editor's Pick" articles cover specific themes in vocal training.
  • Tips on Popular Singing - An article written by famed singer Frank Sinatra, in collaboration with his vocal teacher, John Quinn.